Dedicated biomedical research team
at J-Class Solutions Inc. uses science
to improve health, cure diseases,
and innovate patient care.
We have been working in the field of biomedical research for over 10 years, first at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and then at Columbia University. We are passionate about using science to improve human health. The Biomedical Research at J-Class Solutions Inc. is driven by a dynamic team of Java software developers dedicated to advancing the frontiers of medical knowledge and innovation.
In our effort of research we try to unlock the secrets of diseases. We are working to develop new ways to treat diseases as well as to improve the quality of life for people who face battles against chronic conditions, like Cystic Fibrosis. With an understanding of the fundamental mechanisms that govern life at the cellular and molecular levels we translate this knowledge into innovative diagnostic and therapeutic tools that will transform patient care. Our team of world-class software engineers is working on a wide range of projects, including developing software packages to support cancer research, finding ways to alleviate as well as cure Cystic Fibrosis, and creating new devices to help people reverse aging.
Current areas of research
Protein Biochemistry
Predict the shape of proteins (protein folding) and use shape to look for drug targets
Analyze protein folding results generated from AlphaFold with new software modules
Support AutoDock and Patch Dock protein docking software with new software modules
Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
Identify lung stem cell biomarkers: which protein or which set of proteins are unique markers of lung stem cells, especially Basal Stem Cells?
Developt a bacterial infection analyzer, a device analogous to the alcohol breathalyzer, which can identify the organisms causing lung infections in CF patients
Targeting lung stem cells with LNPs in order to deliver gene editing tools to lung stem cells (via inhaler)
Targeting lung stem cells with liposomes in order to deliver gene editing tools to lung stem cells (via inhaler)
Targeting lung stem cells with LNPs in order to deliver gene editing tools to lung stem cells (via circulatory system)
Targeting lung stem cells with liposomes in order to deliver gene editing tools to lung stem cells (via circulatory system)
Ex vivo approaches for CFTR: a feasable alternative to the CRISPR/Cas system?
Respiratory gene therapy via viral systems: are viral delivery systems based on Adeno-Associated Vius and Lentivirus viable alternatives as gene delivery systems?
CRISPR/Cas gene editing system
Our main focus lies on the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Receptor gene
Develop software for the design of guide RNA
Elucidating the interconnectivity of human DNA repair genes
Epigenetics of aging
How to compute an individual’s degree of aging based on patterns of DNA methylation (epigenetic age)